Florida International University (FIU or the University) views the safety of the students residing in residential housing as a foremost concern. In pursuit of this, the University will take the following actions regarding a missing residential student.
- Registering Emergency Contact Information:
Residential students must identify an individual during their check-in process that the University will contact no later than 24 hours after the residential student is determined missing pursuant to this policy. All emergency contact information will be kept confidential with access limited to those who have a need-to-know. - Report of a Potential Missing Residential Student:
If information about a potential missing residential student is received by the Director of Residential Life, the Greek House Director, or the Campus Life Director, the applicable director will immediately undertake efforts to determine the student’s whereabouts. As soon as the circumstances dictate, the Director of Residential Life, Greek House Director, or Campus Life Director will contact the University Police Department and provide information that the residential student might be missing. Any other member of the University community (e.g., faculty, staff, or students) who is concerned that a student may be missing is encouraged to contact the University Police Department to report their concerns. - Determining Whether a Residential Student is Missing:
Upon receiving information that a residential student may be missing, the University Police Department will immediately initiate an investigation. The University Police Department will be responsible for making the determination whether the residential student is missing. Once such determination has been made, the University Police Department will enter the information into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) systems. - Notifying the Emergency Contact Once it has been Determined that a Residential Student is Missing:
Once the determination has been made that a residential student is missing, the University Police Department will notify the missing residential student’s emergency contact that the student is missing. If the missing residential student is under 18 years of age and has not been emancipated, the University Police Department will notify the custodial parent or guardian in addition to the student’s emergency contact. Throughout this process, the University Police Department will work closely with the Director of Residential Life, the Greek House Director, or Campus Life (whichever is applicable). - FIU Public Safety Contact Information: the University Police Department may be contacted at 305.348.2626.
If you want additional information concerning FIU’s Missing Residential Student Policy, click here.